1. Deficit Deads
Work up to a 3RM – Stand on 45# plates (maybe 45 +25 if you are short). These can be done as sumo or traditional pulls. Use chains and/or bands if available
2. Olympic Pause Squats
3 x 6 – Use high bar rack position and pause for 2 seconds in the hole of each squat
3. GHR
3 x 6-10 – knees should be in contact with pad. No breaking/flexing at the hips. Want it to be harder – Use weights for added resistance. Want it to be easier – attach a band to a pull up rig behind you.
4. Double DU “Annie”
For time:
100-80-60-40-20 Double Unders
50-40-30-20-10 Abmat sit ups
5. Split Practice
Spend 8 minutes (4/side) working towards a split
6. Recovery Row
7 mins of easy rowing – no straps, no monitor
Deficit Deads
Olympic Pause Squat