Our Paleo Challenge is wrapping up!

Since Monday March 1st is the end of our 7-week Paleo Challenge, we wanted to give you a quick run down of next week.

We will begin performance evaluations on Monday with the CrossFit Total (1rpm Back squat, Deadlift, Shoulder Press), Tuesday we’ll do Jackie (1000m Row, 50 Thrusters at 45/30#, 30 Pull-ups), and we’ll finish with Cindy on Wednesday (5 Pull-ups, 10 Push-ups, 15 Air squats).

I’d strongly suggest getting plenty of rest and quality sleep over the weekend if you want to look, feel & perform at optimum levels! And remember – immediately after you finish Jackie, be sure to take your “after” photos!! We want you to look and feel your best when you finish the competition.

Personally, I can’t wait to see how everything unfolds. We’re going to announce our judging criteria immediately after everyone finishes their performance testing next week. There have been quite a few people I’ve already spoken with who have had some pretty profound results.

I know this has been a big shift in lifestyle for a lot of you, but I truly hope you decide to keep Paleo as a regular part of your life. If you don’t believe what it can continue to do for you over the long haul, take a look at Ed Wood. He’s become one of our top performers in the gym even after enduring a shoulder dislocation. Ed didn’t participate directly in this challenge, but if you talk to him about the Paleo, he’d tell you that everyday is a Paleo challenge. He’s constantly improving his times & maxes, and he looks, feels & performs better than he has since he was a collegiate rower – AND he has an occasional pizza cheat night with his kids.

Looking forward to seeing you all back in the gym this week!
