Extra reps is a three-week course that’s an add-on to your membership. It is designed to help you improve your overall fitness and knowledge in the gym.
When does it start?
Monday, Aug. 15 at 5:15 pm.
What days is it held and what time?
Monday and Wednesday at 5:15-5:45 pm.
What’s the cost?
Extra Reps is free and is an add-on to your membership
Do I have to come both days each week?
No, you could come on just on Monday or every other Wednesday.
What if I’m late to the gym? Can I still participate in Extra Reps?
Yes, if you are a few minutes later you can still jump in and participate.
What can I expect on the rowing days?
You will learn some technique to help you improve your rowing.
What’s the tentative schedule for Extra Reps?
Monday, Aug. 15 – What’s the best damper setting for you on the rower? Learn where you should set the damper on the rower as it pertains to you specifically.
Wednesday, Aug. 17 – Mobility
Monday, Aug. 22 – What’s your max 500-meter row?
Wednesday, Aug 24 – Mobility
Monday, Aug. 29 – What’s 85% effort on the rower for you?
Wednesday, Aug. 31 – Mobility