Wednesday, September 19th, 2012 O-Lifting


1.Power Clean+Push Jerk 7×1 Heavy as Possible with Perfect Form (This means non maximal) Rest 90sec

2.Split Jerk 7×1 @ 90%+ Rest 90sec

3a. Clean Pulls OTM ODD 5×1 105% of Clean

3b. Front Squat OTM EVEN 5×2 105% of Clean



3 Rounds For Time:

2 Hang Squat Clean 185/135

4 Hang Kettle Bell Snatches each arm 70/55

6 Strict Chest to Bar Pull-Ups

Mid Line

Not For Time:

25 Leg Lifts

25 Weighted Sit-Ups

25 Sec L-Sit Hold

25 Controlled Kips on the rings, if you can false grip then hold for all 25