Athlete Spotlight: Ashley Dunoff

Name: Ashley Dunoff

Age: 29

Occupation: I’ve worked for an insurance premium finance company for the past 7 ½ years, handling the accounting side.

Hometown: Blackwood, NJ

Which class time do you usually attend? Monday – Friday 7pm and Saturdays usually 10:30am

Favorite WOD: Murph (its only my favorite when I’m finished, not during the WOD)

Favorite CF Movement: Snatches

Least Favorite CF Movement: Burpees over bar

3RM Back Squat: 210lbs

1RM Deadlift: 310lbs

Favorite Food: Chicken Fajitas

Favorite Movie: The Goonies

Favorite Athlete: I do like and watch sports, but I feel like I don’t know enough about the individual athletes to have a favorite. I’d feel like a fraud if I gave a name.

Dream Job: Marine Biologist

Dream Vacation Destination: Greece

If you could have any super-power… It’s a pretty boring answer, but I do think flying would be fun

Favorite Motivational Quote: “If it doesn’t challenge you, it won’t change you”

How long have you been doing CrossFit?

June 2019


How did you first discover CrossFit and what made you decide to start?

I had heard about CrossFit awhile back, but I never knew anyone who had done CrossFit, so I was always a little intimidated to start. About 5 years ago, I weighed 235lbs and started working out for the first time in a gym. I was able to lose 85lbs, but eventually the weight-loss came to a halt and I hit a plateau. I knew I needed to step out of my comfort zone, try something new, and really challenge myself so I finally built up the courage to stop by No Excuses and talk to Brandon.


Tell us about your fitness/sports background:

Back in the day I played a little soccer and also softball, but basketball was my specialty. Basketball is that one sport that I really excelled in and wish I had continued playing.


What sorts of positive changes (mental, physical, emotional) have you noticed in your life since getting involved at No Excuses?

I have met some great friends through No Excuses and that one hour is something I look forward to every day. I love how I feel when I finish a WOD. Knowing that I put the work in and being able to do that and sweat it out with a bunch of people who motivate me and whose company I really enjoy, that’s something I had never experienced before.


Who or what keeps you coming back and motivated?

One word… Martha


In what other ways do you use your fitness?

I love the fact that I can keep up with my niece who is 13 and my nephews who are 11 and 4. The last time we went on a family vacation, I had them working out with me in the hotel gym. My nephew was pumping iron and my niece ran on the treadmill for some cardio. They thought it was so much fun and I thought it was pretty cool to be able to use fitness as a way to connect with them. I never would have predicted that. I thought I’d have to bribe them with a Reese’s cup to get them in the gym.


Please share with us a favorite CrossFit or No Excuses moment.

There are a few, but I’d say one of my favorite moments was when I finally locked down my rope climbs. I had been working on those for a while and Marth spent a lot of time trying to help me master the footing. I never climbed ropes in school so that was completely new to me. I’ll never forget when I finally made it up that rope and heard Martha screaming at me. Pretty sure she was actually more excited than I was.


Name one goal you would like to achieve in the next year (doesn’t have to be CrossFit related, but it can be)

I REALLY want to master pull-ups. A few months ago, I was able to do 2 pull-ups, but I didn’t continue to practice so unfortunately, I lost them. Pull-ups are one movement that hold me back from progressing to the fitness side of town, so those are currently my main goal.


Tell us about your hobbies and interests outside of the gym:

Other than the gym, I have to say my main interests are really just spending time with my family and friends. I have a few family members here in Georgia, but a majority of the family is still in New Jersey so whenever I can, I always try to take a trip back. Other than the friends & family, I do love finding new trails to hike/walk with my husky. She’s only 2 years old so any additional spare time on the weekends is usually devoted to burning off her energy to avoid the house from being destroyed.


What advice do you have for someone just starting CrossFit or is on the fence about starting?

I’d tell them to stick with it and really give it a chance. After my foundation’s classes and my first/second WODs, I was honestly still VERY intimidated. I had no idea what an “EMOM” or “AMRAP” was, I had to go home and google it before my next class. I was literally a lost puppy for two weeks and I remember exactly how that felt so my advice would be to stick with it. Once you make it through the first week or two, you will be hooked and you will want to continue to progress.


What do you love most about No Excuses?

I love the community. I have worked out in other gyms and I was really caught off guard by all of the support at NECF. When I’m dripping in sweat and don’t feel like I’m going to make it through the last minute of the workout, it’s nice to have that support and to know that we are all suffering together. No matter what fitness level you’re at, there are individuals who will have your back and be there to cheer you on, whether it be a coach or a member.