Athlete Spotlight: Jamie Pyle

Name: Jamie Pyle

Age: 25

Occupation: Accountant

Hometown: Winnipeg, Manitoba but raised in Lawrenceville

Which class time do you usually attend? 5:00 PM

Favorite WOD: GRACE

Favorite CF Movement: cleans, cleans, and more cleans

Least Favorite CF Movement: snatches

3RM Back Squat: 155

1RM Deadlift: 245

Favorite Food: Ravioli

Favorite Movie: Wedding Crashers and yes, I have crashed a wedding.

Favorite Athlete: Marc-André Fleury

Dream Job: Musical Therapist

Dream Vacation Destination: Ireland

If you could have any super power… It would be a toss up between being able to fly or being invisible both of which will get me out of a situation.

Favorite Motivational Quote: I don’t have one nor do I ever look these up. My mum has been one of the most inspirational people in my life. I can’t think of a “quote” she has said to me off the top of my mind, but she always encourages me no matter what my goal may be.

How long have you been doing CrossFit?

August or September of 2018


How did you first discover CrossFit and what made you decide to start?

A coworker of mine initially told me I had to try it knowing that I was bored with running on the treadmill and love competition, and now here I am.


Tell us about your fitness/sports background:

Other than street hockey with the neighbors, I played on a rec soccer league throughout school (indoor and outdoor) and ultimate frisbee my last few years of high school. I tried some interval training with my brother, but it didn’t stick much at the time – I was more of a cardio junkie (running and cycling at least five days week).


What sorts of positive changes (mental, physical, emotional) have you noticed in your life since getting involved at No Excuses?

I’d have to say my confidence has improved since I’ve gotten stronger over the past year, but also because I took a step out of my comfort zone by joining the gym – not knowing anyone was really intimidating at first but now I can’t imagine not doing CrossFit.


Who or what keeps you coming back and motivated?

my 5 o’clock crew


In what other ways do you use your fitness?

Anytime my mum adds rocks or soil to the yard …


Please share with us a favorite CrossFit or No Excuses moment.

The workout where I (almost) beat Mike Matthes.


Name one goal you would like to achieve in the next year (doesn’t have to be CrossFit related, but it can be)

Buying my own place and chest to bars – both seem impossible at the moment.


Tell us about your hobbies and interests outside of the gym:

I played piano for about 13 years growing up, so I love sitting down to play (mainly classical). I definitely can’t sit still for long, so I‘m always trying to keep busy – hiking, volunteering, or finding a new brewery.


What advice do you have for someone just starting CrossFit or is on the fence about starting?

It gets easier. I thought I would never be able to lift the 35lb bar when I started which was embarrassing but you have to let go of your ego and just keep going. You won’t get better if you don’t show up.


What do you love most about No Excuses?

The community and the people, there’s always a few that keep me coming back.