Name: Juan Carlos Sierra
Age: 27
Occupation: I’m currently working in a warehouse, but I also know auto mechanics and bartending
Which class time do you usually attend? 7:00 pm
Favorite WOD: anything with running
Favorite CF Movements: rowing
1RM Deadlift: 385
3 RM Back squat: 255
Favorite Food: I eat everything that is on the table! No kidding!
Favorite Movie: Toy Story
Favorite Athlete: Julio Cesar Chavez (Mexican boxer)
Dream Job: WRC Pilot
Dream Vacation Destination: Barcelona
Favorite WOD song: Toxicity by System of a Down
Favorite Motivational Quote: “Don’t leave for tomorrow what you can do today.”
How long have you been doing CrossFit? (since Month, year)
“Since July 2016.”
How did you first discover CrossFit and what made you decide to start?
“It was a few years back when I used to live in Mexico I saw on the internet what all CrossFit was about, but I didn’t get interested in it. Mexico doesn’t have a lot of boxes like in the USA. Five years ago I moved here and spend 4 years eating cheese burgers, pizza, Chinese food, Italian food, you name it; drinking Coors light, Miller Lite, Bud Light, and Corona of course. Thank God one day I passed by Lawrenceville-Suwanee, saw the No Excuses CrossFit sign, and decided to give it a try!” 🙂
Tell us about your sports/fitness background:
“Well, unfortunately nothing serious. I tried soccer for a few months, tae Kwon do, boxing, regular gym and running. I stuck with running for a while but never did a competition.”
What sorts of positive changes (mental, physical, emotional) have you noticed in your life since getting involved at No Excuses?
“Well, to be honest I’m insecure. I don’t know why. A lot of people have been telling me that I look way different now. That makes feel awesome! It feels so good. In my job I never get tired, which is crazy!! I have a better posture, and right now “I’m too sexy for my shirt” — that gives me the security that I need in my life! I love CrossFit!!”
What keeps you coming back and motivated?
“Every single member of No Excuses CrossFit. I haven’t ever seen someone quit “just like that,” and I always keep that in mind! I say to myself, “Man, I don’t think JT or Mathew are going to miss a day just because they feel a little lazy.” Also, I keep coming back because I need to be better than I was yesterday! It’s been like that since I started CrossFit a year ago.”
In what other ways do you use your fitness?
“At work I am always trying to improve my movement when I am lifting boxes. I try to use good posture, and have to rely on my endurance when loading containers with heavy boxes. I also use my fitness with my family, like push pressing my little cousins!”
Who or what motivates/inspires you?
“I’m motivated every time I wake up and look at myself in the mirror and see the progress I’ve made in this awesome year at No Excuses.”
Please share with us a favorite CrossFit or No Excuses moment.
“First muscle up for sure! I don’t have words to explain that feeling even! Brandon took a video of that simple muscle up, and that’s the moment that I figured out that they care about us they feel good watching us succeed, and I thank you for that.”
Name one goal you would like to achieve in CrossFit.
“I’m going to try to compete! Not CrossFit Games, but some competition with a pretty good level of competitors.”
Tell us about your hobbies and interests outside of the gym:
“To be honest, I work almost all week so I just like to stay home watching Netflix or take a ride in my bicycle.”
What advice do you have for someone just starting CrossFit or is on the fence about starting?
“Patience, lots of patience and dedication! It’s easy to get uncomfortable with Fischer’s workout, but just listen to the people with experience!”
What do you love most about No Excuses?
“I love that every body is suffering to get the WOD done as soon as possible. It’s just great to get there at 7 pm and watch everyone from 6 pm class all sweaty and breathing heavily and lying on the floor. I’m always thinking “man, I’m about to do that too!” I like to check the board to see Corey, Min, JT, Mathew, Glen, Justin, Dave and Josef’s times, and then I think, “man, I need to go all-out so I can have a pretty okay time!”
Coach Laura’s Take:
Ever since JC started he has been all in! On his last day of Foundations last year he decided he wanted to sign up for Hugo which was only a few weeks away. The rest is history! JC is a tireless worker, humble and hard-working. He is dedicated and consistent. He used to be a staple in the 9:30 class until he got his new job…then he became a staple in the 7 PM class! It’s been great to see his improvement and his enthusiasm for our community over the past year. We know he will continue to improve!!