Name: Ben Seals
Age: 39
Occupation: CEO
Hometown: Suwanee
Which class time do you usually attend?: 6 am
Favorite WOD: Murph
Favorite CF Movement: My first pull up
Least Favorite CF Movement: Every burpee
3RM Back Squat: 265
1RM Deadlift: 325
Favorite Food: Smoked Brisket
Favorite Movie: End of the Spear
Favorite Athlete: David Schramm
Dream Job: Grandfather
Dream Vacation Destination: Anywhere with a beach and a book
If you could have any super power…Fly
Favorite Motivational Quote: “He is no fool who gives what he cannot keep to gain that which he cannot lose.”
How long have you been doing CrossFit?: Since Dec 2021
How did you first discover CrossFit and what made you decide to start?: Best friends do CrossFit
Tell us about your fitness/sports background: “I grew up fairly active, but after a motorcycle accident in 2004 I’ve struggled with weight loss and a growing apathy for personal fitness. In 2021, I decided to try something different, group fitness, CrossFit. The variability and group accountability have pushed me to fitness levels I’ve never achieved before. Even through a torn Achilles and a temporary knee injury the group and commradere of No Excuses kept me coming back.
What sorts of positive changes (mental, physical, emotional) have you noticed in your life since getting involved at No Excuses?: “Mentally I am less stressed and more focused. Physically I’ve dropped a little bit of weight, but more importantly I’m more athletic. I can chase my kids, play at the pool, throw the baseball without being sore. Emotionally, I am more stable, disciplined and self-aware.”
Who or what keeps you coming back and motivated?: “The community, accountability, and variety of workouts.”
In what other ways do you use your fitness?: “Coaching my son’s baseball.”
Please share with us a favorite CrossFit or No Excuses moment.: “The day my youngest son decided to do Murph with me. He was 6. He smoked me. We both loved it and will be back next year.”
Name one goal you would like to achieve in the next year (doesn’t have to be CrossFit related, but it can be): “Lose another 15 lbs. RX more workouts. String together T2B.”
Tell us about your hobbies and interests outside of the gym: “Being with my kids, serving in our church, reading as time allows.”
What advice do you have for someone just starting CrossFit or is on the fence about starting?: “Try it!!! Commit to 6 weeks of at least three times a week. Build up to more. Take it one step at a time. Two years later you might be able to do your first pull up in decades.”
What do you love most about No Excuses?: “Coach Christine and the other coaches even though they get a lot of flack.”