Athlete Spotlight: Meghan Schaap

Meghan Schaap is the March Athlete Spotlight.

Name: Meghan Schaap

Age: 33

Occupation: Customer Success for a Professional Development Organization

Hometown: Marietta, Ga.

Which class time do you usually attend? 8 am

Favorite WOD: Love a chipper – throw in some walls balls, double-unders, snatches or cleans & I’m there!

Favorite CF Movement: Double-unders or cleans

Least Favorite CF Movement: Burpees!!

3RM Back Squat: 175

1RM Deadlift: 225

Favorite Food: Chips & Salsa

Favorite Movie: I’m more of a reality TV gal myself, but I’ll go with Harry Potter

Favorite Athlete: Serena Williams

Dream Job: Travel Agent

Dream Vacation Destination: Bali

If you could have any super power… Teleportation – would save me a lot of money on flights!

Favorite Motivational Quote: Never give up on a dream just because of the time it will take to accomplish it. The time will pass anyway.

How long have you been doing CrossFit? (Since Month, Year) January 2018 – 6+ years!

How did you first discover CrossFit and what made you decide to start?: I first heard of CrossFit back in college, but never tried it myself until I moved to the Netherlands in 2018. On top of wanting to stay active, I was intrigued by the community aspect that CrossFit creates as I wanted to build a life for myself while living abroad. I joined a local gym and never looked back!

Tell us about your fitness/sports background: I grew up dabbling in a lot of sports, but ended up focusing on tennis & played for my high school team all four years. I’ve always liked to stay active, but my fitness has seen a lot of highs & lows at various times of my life. Since starting CrossFit, I’ve been able to find a lot more consistency as it’s something I want to do instead of something I feel like I have to do.

What sorts of positive changes (mental, physical, emotional) have you noticed in your life since getting involved at No Excuses?: Nothing but positive changes since joining No Excuses! I’ve seen improvements in my fitness level, lost weight, am less tired, made new connections and it keeps me mentally sane. As someone who works remotely, if I skip out on heading to the gym in the morning, I tend to go a little stir crazy by the afternoon!

Who or what keeps you coming back and motivated? The NEC community & coaches, especially the 8am crew & Coach Christine! Everyone can show up as they are and everyone’s individual accomplishments are recognized & celebrated. It’s a space that allows you to challenge yourself without being judged or feeling uncomfortable.

In what other ways do you use your fitness?: Not to brag, but I can carry my groceries in at one time thanks to all those farmer carry workouts!!

Please share with us a favorite CrossFit or No Excuses moment.: Lots to count! But I loved joining the Hugo Open for the first time last year – even though it was 90+ degrees, it was a blast competing with everyone & meeting people from the other classes.

Name one goal you would like to achieve in the next year (doesn’t have to be CrossFit related, but it can be): This year my husband & I hope to buy our first house after far too many years of moving around / renting. And finally getting a pull up would be nice as well!

Tell us about your hobbies and interests outside of the gym: As my family’s elected Director of Fun, I love to explore new places, try out new recipes or discover the best restaurants anywhere I visit.

What advice do you have for someone just starting CrossFit or is on the fence about starting?: Just do it! CrossFit will meet you where you’re at, so you can get started no matter what stage of life or fitness level you are. You’ll quickly become addicted, though- be warned!

What do you love most about No Excuses? The people! A workout is a workout, but when you do it with a community of people who care about you & your successes, it makes it all the more enjoyable. (& keeps you coming back day after day!)