Spirit of the CrossFit Open 24.2: Stephanie Palmer

Each year at the CrossFit Games, they honor someone with the Spirit of the Games award. This honor goes to the ‘athlete who embodies the spirit of the sport.’

Each week during the CrossFit Open, No Excuses CrossFit will recognize a member it feels represents the Spirit of the Games. This week’s honor goes to ….

Stephanie Palmer not only posted an awesome score in the female scaled division, but came back and did the men’s scaled division in honor of Bond Nguyen on the same day. Bond was unable to participate in CrossFit Open 24.2 after suffering a heart attack two days earlier.

“Doing a workout for our buddy Bond. Did not want him to lose the points,” long time No Excuses member Vince Raia said. “She has a great heart for people and the things that matter. And a great competitive spirit, as well.”

Stephanie scored 750 points to take first place in the female scaled division at No Excuses CrossFit. Her men’s scaled score of 664 was ninth in the gym out of 24 participants.

“Stephanie is literally a rock star,” No Excuses member Kim Brown said. “She did it all this week and supports me to work harder every time she coaches. She cheers on everyone and brings so much energy.”

In addition to her stellar performances in the workout, Stephanie was a mainstay at the gym on Friday. She was judging multiple times, setting up equipment, and giving workout strategies.

“Always inspiring and willing to help when needed. Thanks for all your advice!,” No Excuses member Melissa England said.

Through two weeks in The Open, Stepahnie is the top individual point scorer and as the coach for Mexi-Ken & Barbie has kept her team in the race for the team championship.

“She loves her team and makes participation fun!,” No Excuses CrossFit member David Schramm said.