Stop skipping breakfast!

During our No Sweat Intro, many clients tell me that they often don’t eat first thing in the morning, and opt for a cup or two of coffee instead.

While the temporary stimulation from the caffeine might provide a brief wake-up, the lack of nutrients and dehydrating effects of coffee are not the ideal start to the day.

Ditch the coffee??? I’m not pushing for java-less mornings here! To start the day with stable blood sugar levels, pair your favorite coffee with a balanced breakfast that includes protein, carbohydrates, and some fat. If you prolong eating and your blood sugars drop, your ability to handle stress and stay focused will suffer. Breakfast is also your opportunity to ignite your metabolism. Let the calorie-burning BEGIN!

For those who regularly break the overnight fast, this first meal is often loaded with excess fat, sodium, and sugar. Fortunately, it is simple to quickly build a healthy breakfast if you have a plan. Of course, your plan will require some action steps, like acquiring the necessary grocery staples and carving out the 5-15 minutes needed to prep and eat your meal when you get up.

What should be on the menu? It definitely should be something you enjoy eating! Tasty waffles or pancakes can be a healthy win, using a simple recipe that incorporates your favorite protein powder (plant-based, whey, or collagen, whatever your preference). Balance it off with a serving of berries, or try cucumber slices for a serving of fresh veggies.

Overnight oats are another easy win. Adding a scoop of chocolate or apple-cinnamon protein powder amps up the balance and a proper serving of almonds or cashews can complete the meal.

Love eggs? Taking 15 minutes to hard-boil a dozen in the evening will provide your centerpiece for several healthy morning meals – just add fresh fruit and a slice of your favorite toasted bread.

Super time-crunched in the morning? Set the ingredients for a smoothie in your blender cup and put in the fridge before bed, ready for a quick zip, and pour into your favorite straw cup to sip your nutrients from.

These are just a few of the countless tips and tricks that can make meal planning simple. If you need help with planning, or the accountability of a coach checking in and reinforcing your healthy habit-building (or all of the above), No Excuses CrossFit is your solution!

Book your free No Sweat Intro now!