Equipment Required: Light band, light KB
1) 2 rounds:
– 5 Upward to Downward Dog w Toe Touch
– 5 each Thoracic Rotations
2) ARMAP 6:
– 10ft Duck Walk
– 10 Scap Pull-ups
– 5 RDLs
– 5 Hang Muscle Cleans
– 5 Front Squats
‘AP Bio’
Against a 3:00 clock
8 Squat Cleans (95/65)
10 Toes to Bar
12 Burpees
Remaining time Cal Bike
Rest 3:00
Repeat x 5
– Goal: Sustainable, repeatable effort each round, with the same Cal output on the bike. UB on all movements is a must, scale accordingly.
-Score is total calories on the Bike
Rx+: (115, 75)
L2: (75, 55) (Hanging Straight Leg or Knee Raises)
L1: (30, 20 DB Squat Cleans) (Weighted V-ups) (Up Downs)
4 x 15-20 each. No rest.