1.11.20 Saturday

No CrossFit group class at 8:30 am. Will have a free weightlifting clinic at 8:30 am. CrossFit class at 9:30 and 10:30 am.


Joint Mobility

A. 3 Sets:

20-30 sec Ring FLR
20 alt Prone KB Drags
rest 90 sec

Floor if they cant stabilize on rings. Rings should be 3-4 inches off ground

B. 4 Sets:

Every 90 sec alternating
8/leg SL Landmine RDL 3111
8/arm Half Kneeling Landmine Press @ 2111

Presses are heavy and RDLs are moderate loads. 4 sets of each movement will be done.

C. For Time:

50 Devil Presses 50/35/hand

Scale weight as needed. Goal is to finish under cap

Time Cap 10min