12.23.19 Monday

3 Sets:
30 sec Air Squat Hold
6/side Hip Switch
30 sec Forearm Plank


A. EMOM5 – 8-10 alternating Jump Lunges

B. Back Squat

12min Build to a heavy set of 3 reps @ 31X1

Make sure to pause for a full second.

C. For Time:

100 Wallballs 20/14# 10/9′

2 Scores:
1. Max UB set
2. Time to complete 100 reps

Time cap 10min



A. EMOM5 – 8-10 Pause Jump Squats

B. Back Squat

12min Build to a heavy set of 3 reps @ 31X1

Make sure to pause for a full second.

C. For Time:

100 Wallballs

2 Scores:
1. Max UB set
2. Time to complete 100 reps

Time cap 10min – Pick a weight that is challenging for you