12.18.19 Wednesday

3 Sets:
30 sec AB easy
10/side Leg Swings
20 sec/side Side Plank


A. 3 Sets:

5 GHD Hip Ext + Sorenson Hold – Max Hold
30 sec/side Dragon
no set rest (whenever GHD is open)

B. Clean Grip DL

2,2,2,2,2 @ 4111
Every 2:30

Start around 60% and build each set or stay across

C. 3 Sets:

3min Clock
8 Devil Press 50/35 /hand
50′ Farmer Carry w/ DBs
Max Forearm Plank in remaining time

rest 2min



A. 3 Sets:

5 GHD Hip Ext + Sorenson Hold – Max Hold
30 sec/side Dragon
no set rest (whenever GHD is open)

B. Clean Grip DL

2,2,2,2,2 @ 4111
Every 2:30

60% of your 1RM Deadlift across or lighter loads

C. 3 Sets:

3min Clock
8 DB Burpees 35/20 /hand
50′ Farmer Carry w/ DBs
Max Forearm Plank in remaining time

rest 2min