12.20.19 Friday

2 Sets:
15/side Quadruped CARs
50 ft Quadruped Crawl


A. Front Squat

Build to a tough set of 5 in 10min @ 30X2


5 Squat Cleans
5 Bar Facing Burpees

50% of Max Squat Clean = weight for workout

B. 3 Sets:

10 Barbell Hip Thrust @ 11X0
5/leg SL KB DL @ 31X1
rest 90 sec

Moderate weights on DL and main focus is glute/ham activation.
Heavy weights on the Hip thrust.



A. Front Squat

Build to a tough set of 5 in 10min @ 30X2


5 DB Squat Cleans
5 DB Facing Burpees

Pick a tough weight that you can stay UB on

C. 3 Sets:

10 Barbell Hip Thrust @ 11X0
5/leg SL KB DL @ 31X1
rest 90 sec

Moderate weights on DL and main focus is glute/ham activation.
Heavy weights on the Hip thrust.