Friday 10.16.20

2 Sets
Right side Kettlebell cross body RDL x 8 reps
Right side Kettlebell Goblet Cossack Squat x 6 reps
Right side Kettlebell Muscle Snatch x 4 reps
Then Same on left side

6 Sets
Snatch Deadlift + hang snatch High Pull + Muscle snatch + Overhead Squat
Keep weight within a range that your technique is good and you stay snappy .
On the 90 sec Marks

3 Sets
Front Squat and ¼ x 7,7,5 reps
Rest 30 sec
Plank x 40 sec
On the 3 min mark

4 sets
90sec Amrap
Assault Bike Sprint x 18 sec
Wall Ball x max Reps remaining time
Rest 1 min

6 Sets
Snatch Pull + hang snatch High Pull + hang squat snatch + squat snatch from the floor
Keep weight within a range that your technique is good and you stay snappy .
On the 90 sec Marks

3 Sets
Front Squat and ¼ x 7,7,5 reps
Rest 30 sec
Body Saw on Rower x 10 rep tempo 2020
On the 3 min mark

4 sets
90sec Amrap
Assault Bike Sprint x 18 sec
Wall Ball x max Reps remaining time 20-10ft/ 14-9ft
Rest 1 min