2 Sets
Row x 15 sec hard
Row x 30 sec easy
Single arm Dumbbell deadlift x 7 reps per leg
Russian Kettlebell Swing x 10 reps
Box step ups x 10
‘The Big Four Zero’
For time:
Row x 40 cal
Power clean x 40 reps
Walking Lunge x 40 reps
Shoulder to Overhead x 40 reps
Goblet Squat x 40 reps
Alternating Dumbbell Power Snatch x 40 reps
Wall Ball x 40 reps
Incline Push up x 40 reps
Box step Up x 40 reps
Kettlebell Swing x 40 reps
Single Unders x 40 reps
* 45 min cap
‘The Big Four Zero’
For time:
Row x 40 cal
Power clean x 40 reps 95/65
Walking Lunge x 40 reps
Shoulder to Overhead x 40 reps 95/65
Goblet Squat x 40 reps 55/35
Alternating Dumbbell Power Snatch x 40 reps 50/35
Wall Ball x 40 reps 20-10ft/14-9ft
Push up x 40 reps
Single Dumbbell Box step Up x 40 reps 50-25”/35-20”
Kettlebell Swing x 40 reps 55/35
Double Unders x 40 reps
* 45 min cap