Friday 11.5.21


Equipment Required: foam roller, medium band, barbell

1) Foam Roll Lats and Thoracic Spine 60s each

2) 10 Russian Baby Makers

3) 2 rounds:

– 6 RDL

– 6 Hang Muscle Cleans

– 6 total Front Rack Reverse Lunges

– 10 steps each X-Band Walks


Box Squat

EMOM 6: 3 Reps.

– take 3-4 sets to get warm

– 5% heavier than last week

– these are speed sets to a parallel box with a wide stance

– Final week


‘Sorry In Advance’

2 Rounds:

30 total Front Rack Reverse Lunges (135/95)

15/10 Calorie Bike

Rest 3:00

– Goal: Very hard effort. We apologize in advance to your legs “¯\_(ツ)_/¯“

TIME CAP=15:00

Rx+: (155/105)

L3: (115/75)

L2: (95/65)

L1: (DBs Front Rack Reverse Lunge)


Double Leg Banded Hamstring Curl

Accumulate 100+ reps (max reps in 2:00)