Friday 3.28.14

14.5 Heat Schedule

We are doing Open WOD 14.5 today during today’s classes.

This WOD is for time and not an AMRAP like the previous Open WODs. This is a tough WOD and is taking longer than expected to complete. 

For that reason, we have changed the structure for today’s classes. We will be doing the WOD in heats throughout the afternoon and evening. Please see below for the heat schedule. If anyone is able to help and judge it will be greatly appreciated.


If you haven’t seen the WOD it is the following:


For Time:

21 thrusters (95/65)

21 bar facing burpees

18 thrusters

18 bar facing burpees

15 thrusters

15 bar facing burpees

12 thrusters

12 bar facing burpees

9 thrusters

9 bar facing burpees

6 thrusters

6 bar facing burpees

3 thrusters

3 bar facing burpees



3:45 p.m. – Gym opens

4:00 p.m. – Heat 1 warm up

4:20 p.m. – Heat 1 at old rig, heat 2 warming up, judged by extra coaches and anyone from heat heat 2

4:50 p.m. – Heat 2 at Triton Rig, heat 3 warming up, judged by heat 1

5:20 p.m. – Heat 3 at old rig, heat 4 warming up, judged by heat 2

5:50 p.m. – Heat 4 at Triton rig, heat 5 warming up, judged by heat 3

6:20 p.m. – Heat 5 at old rig, heat 6 warming up, judged by heat 4

6:50 p.m. – Heat 6 at Triton rig, heat 7 warming up, judged by heat 5

7:20 p.m. – Heat 7 at old rig, heat 8 warming up, judged by heat 6

7:50 p.m. – Heat 8 at Triton rig,  heat 9 warming up, judged by heat 7


** One coach will brief and warm you up. A second coach will start the clock, make sure you have proper equipment, judge, etc.


See you soon. Crush it.