Friday 6.11.21


Equipment Required: Medium band, light KB 

1) Worlds Greatest Stretch x 5 reps each side 

2) 3 Rounds of:

– 5 Banded Bird Dogs each

– 10 Banded Overhead Goodmornings

– 10 Goblet Squats

3) Deadlift w. an empty barbell

1 x 5 with 3s down, 2s hold at the knee on the way up. Focusing on perfect technique, shifting hips back.


Touch N Go Deadlift

6 x 3. Rest 2:00

– Heavy set of 3 reps in 6 sets.

– Essentials: 2/4 x 4 


Barbell Warmup (Snatch)

-Coach led

-5 minutes



For time:

30/24 Calorie Bike

21 Front Squats (135/95)

15 Power Snatch (135/95)

– Goal: Very hard effort. Loading should allow people to perform touch n go reps of snatch and sets of 5-10 on the front squat.

TIME CAP = 7:00


Single Leg Banded Hamstring Curl

4 x 25 each. Rest 60s.