Friday 9.25.20

2 Sets
Split stance Russian Kettlebell Swing x 7 reps right arm
Split stance kettlebell Clean x 7 reps right arm
Split stance Kettlebell Snatch x 7 reps right arm
Goblet split squat x 6 reps right leg
Split stance Russian Kettlebell Swing x 7 reps left arm
Split stance kettlebell Clean x 7 reps left arm
Split stance Kettlebell Snatch x 7 reps left arm
Goblet split squat x 6 reps left leg

3 Sets
Kettlebell Mixed Rack step back Lunge x 8 per side
On the 2:30 min

3 Sets
Bodyweight Bulgarian Split squat x 7-9 per leg
Rest 30 sec
Kettlebell windmill x 7-9 reps per side
On the 3 min mark

3 Rounds for time:
Row x 200 meters
sit up x 9 reps
Thruster x 7 reps

Rest 2 min

3 Rounds for time :
Row x 200 meters
sit up x 9 reps
Thruster x 7 reps

3 Sets
Dual Kettlebell mixed rack overhead Squat x 8 per side
On the 2:30 min

3 Sets
Dual front Rack Kettlebell Bulgarian Split squat x 7-9 per leg
Rest 30 sec
Kettlebell windmill x 7-9 reps per side
On the 3 min mark

3 Rounds for time:
Row x 200 meters
Med ball Weighted sit up x 9 reps 35/25
Dual Dumbbell Thruster x 7 reps 35/20

Rest 2 min

3 Rounds for time :
Row x 200 meters
Med ball Weighted sit up x 9 reps 35/25
Dual Dumbbell Thruster x 7 reps 35/20