Monday 5.9.22


Equipment Required: Foam roller, light KB, medium band 

1) Foam Roll Glutes & Hamstrings x 60s each

2) 5 each Shin Box + Forward Fold

3) 3 rounds:

– 3 each KB Windmills

– 5 each Banded Bird Dogs 

– 7 Banded Overhead Goodmornings

– 9 Goblet Squats 

4) Barbell Warm-up Snatch


Power Snatch

Build to a heavy single in 6 sets. 


– Sets of 3,2,1,1,1,1

Rx+: Squat Snatch

L2: Hang Power Snatch

L1: Work on technique or Snatch Deadlift 4 x 3, 2 warm-up sets. 


DB Death March

4 x 10 steps each. 


– Increase from last week

– 1 Warm-up set


‘Beef Kabobs’

45 Double KB Squat Clean Thrusters (53/35)

– Goal: Hard effort. Use a load should that is challenging but light enough to do multiple rep sets without breaking. Shoot for sub 5:00

Last tested 10/5

Rx+: (62/44) (Sub 4:00)

L3: (44/26)

L2: (35/20)

L1: (26/DBs 10)

TIME CAP = 7:00


Single Leg FL Calf Raises

2 x 20 each. Rest 60s.