Equipment Required: foam roller, medium band, barbell
1) Foam Roll Glutes & Adductors x 60s each
2) Barbell Shoulder/Lat Stretch x 30s each
3) Barbell Front Rack Stretch x 5 each
4) 10 Russian Baby Makers
5) 2 rounds:
– 6 RDL
– 6 Hang Muscle Cleans
– 6 total Front Rack Reverse Lunges
– 6 Front Squats
– 10 steps each X-Band Walks
Build to a heavy single over 6 sets.
– Sets of 5,4,3,2,1,1
– Set bar height so thigh is close to parallel
L1: 4 x 8-10 Goblet Squats w 1s hold in bottom position.
‘Old Man Strength’
1 Squat Clean (135/95)
1 each Front Rack Reverse Lunge
1 Burpees
2 Squat Clean (135/95)
1 each Front Rack Reverse Lunge
2 Burpees
*continue adding one more Squat Clean and Burpee each round, Lunge stays constant
– Goal: Hard Effort.
– Last tested: 3/25
Rx+: (155/105)
L3: (115/75)
L2: (95/65)
L1: (DB Hang Power Clean 30/20) (DB Front Rack Reverse Lunge) (Up down)
3 x 4-6 3s in 3s out. Rest 60s