Monday, July 4


-Foam roll wherever needed

3 Rounds:

– 5 Russian Baby Makers w Thoracic Rotation

– 5 Up Downs

– 10 Scap Pull-ups + 5 Kip Swings

– 10ft Crab Walk



In teams of 2:

Both partners complete sets of 17 reps together

Split sets of 76 reps however you like

Buy in: 400 Meter Run together

17 Burpee Box Jumps (24/20)

76 Cal Row

17 Chest to Bar Pullups

76 KBS (53/35)

17 Burpee Box Jumps (24/20)

76 Cal Row

17 Chest to Bar Pullups

76 KBS

Cash out: 400 Meter Run together

– Goal: Challenging pace

L3: (Pull-ups) (44/26)

L2: (Ring Assisted Pull-ups) (35/20)

L1: (Up Down + Box Step-up) (Ring Rows) (26/DBs 10)