Monday, September 12


Equipment Required: foam roller, medium band, barbell

1) Foam Roll Glutes & Adductors x 60s each

2) Barbell Shoulder/Lat Stretch x 30s each

3) Barbell Front Rack Stretch x 5 each

4) 10 Russian Baby Makers

5) 2 rounds:

– 6 RDL

– 6 Hang Muscle Cleans

– 6 total Front Rack Reverse Lunges

– 6 Banded Overhead Squats

– 10 steps each X-Band Walks


Multiple Pause Front Squat



– Goal: Build to a heavy 1+ (AMRAP) set. Goal of this to perform 1-3 reps with a heavy load, not necessarily a max.

3RM tested 4/4

4RM 9/13/21

– L1: 5 x 3 at the same weight focusing on form, 2 warm-up sets


‘Witness The Thiccness’

For time:

15/12 Cal Bike

15 Overhead Squats (135/95)

12/9 Cal Bike

12 Overhead Squats

9/6 Cal Bike

9 Overhead Squats

– Goal: HARD effort. OHS should be capable of being done unbroken.

Last tested 4/18

Rx+: (185/125)

L3: (115/75)

L2: (95/65)

L1: (Goblet Squat 35/26)

TIME CAP = 7:00


Straight Leg Landmine Situps

3 x 10 each. Rest 60s