Saturday 2.22.14

A. Ring Rows; 10-12 OT 2min; x4; @21×1

8 Rounds Team up to 6 people
Light Prowler Sprint 20sec
Rest 1:40
*each member of the team completes 20sec. So if 6 members are on a team then the prowler never stops moving, if 3 then there is a 1min period the prowler doesn’t move. The rest is per team member not for the over all team as a whole. In other words your rest is your team members work.

A. Weighted Pull Ups; 3-4 OT 2min; x4; @21×1
8 Rounds Team up to 6 people
Light Prowler Sprint 20sec
Rest 1:40
*each member of the team completes 20sec. So if 6 members are on a team then the prowler never stops moving, if 3 then there is a 1min period the prowler doesn’t move. The rest is per team member not for the over all team as a whole. In other words your rest is your team members work.

A. Muscle Ups; 4/2 OT 40sec; x7-10; rounds is dictated by feel, if you start to get sloppy then stop at 7 if you can maintain form then go to 10.
4 Rounds
Airdyne 85% 1min
Airdyne Sprint 1min
Airdyne slow spin 4min