Saturday 4.5.14

In a Team of 2
Complete as many rounds and reps as possible in 12 minutes of:
1 team member Run 400 Meters while the other performs
Kettle Bell Swings x 20 reps
Burpee x 10 reps
Ring Pulls x 5 reps
Once the runner is done with the 400 Meters the partners switch places. The runner now picks right up where the other team member left off with the KBS, B, and Pull Ups while the other person runs there 400 Meters. This cycle goes until time has expired. Rounds and reps of the KBS, B, and Pull ups should be recorded, not the 400 meter run.

In a Team of 2
Complete as many rounds and reps as possible in 15 minutes of:
1 team member Runs 400 Meters while the other performs
Kettle Bell Swings x 20 reps (55/35)
Burpee Box Jumps 24/20 x 10 reps
Pull Ups x 5 reps
Once the runner is done with the 400 Meters the partners switch places. The runner now picks right up where the other team member left off with the KBS, BBJ, and Pull Ups while the other person runs there 400 Meters. This cycle goes until time has expired. Rounds and reps of the KBS, BBJ, and Pull ups should be recorded, not the 400 meter run.

Complete as many rounds and reps as possible in 20 minutes of:
Run 400 Meters
5 Bar Muscle-Ups
20 Kettlebell Swings (32/24kg)
40 Double-Unders
Competitor Session 2:
Three sets, not for time, of:
15′ Rope Climb x 3 ascents
Strict Handstand Push-Ups x Max Reps

Four sets of:
Bench Press x 10-12 reps
Rest as needed