Saturday 6.5.21


BP Dynamic Consists of: 

– High Knees x 50 ft.

– Butt Kickers x 50 ft.

– Inside Taps x 50 ft.

– Outside Taps x 50 ft.

– A Skip x 50 ft.

– B Skip x 50 ft.

– Knee Hug + Lunge w. forearm to floor + thoracic rotation + toe point x 50 ft. 

– Leg Swing opposite toe to opposite hand x 50 ft.

– Carioca x 50 ft.

– Jumping Jack Shuffle (switch halfway) x 50 ft. 

– 90 Degree Hip Rotation x 50 ft.

– Worlds Greatest Stretch x 10 reps each side


Barbell Warmup Clean

– Coach led

– 5 minutes


With A Partner And A Running Clock

0:00 – 8:00

Wall Balls (20/14)

Turkish Get-ups (53/35)

*Accumulate max reps of each. There is NO set way to perform this – strategy is yours!

-Rest 2:00-

10:00 – 18:00

Power Cleans (135/95)

Barbell Roll-outs

*Accumulate max reps of each.

-Rest 2:00-

20:00 – 28:00

Max Calories Bike

-Rest 2:00-

30:00 – 38:00

Recovery Walk using nasal breathing.

– Goal: One Partner works at a time. This workout is all about partners coming up with whatever strategy they feel works best. There is NO set rep scheme today. Score = total reps achieved.


Banded Y-T-A-T

Accumulate 50 total reps.