There will not be 7 pm class on Friday, Aug. 19.
There will be no scheduled class times on Saturday due to the Hugo Open. Come to the gym any time between 9am-1pm to cheer on your fellow No Excuses CrossFit members!
WOD 1:
7-minute AMRAP
60 synchronized goblet squats (70, 55, 35#)
60 KBS (70, 55, 35#)
WOD 2:
Deja Vu
For Time:
40 HSPU or 80 Push ups
80 Wall balls over the pull up rig
30 T2B
60 power cleans (95/65#)
20 burpees over a bench
40 DB alternating single-arm G2O
10 bar muscle ups
*15-minute time cap
WOD 3:
Sled Hell 3.0
For Time:
150-meter sled push (0#) then 15-12-9 thrusters (75/55#) and bar facing burpees
100-meter sled push (45/25#) then 12-9-6 thrusters (95/65#) and bar facing burpees
50-meter sled push (90/50#) then 9-6-3 thrusters (115/75#) and bar facing burpees
*15-minute time cap