Equipment Required: Foam roller
1) Foam roll wherever you need it x 60s each side
2) 3 each Spiderman Lunge
3) 4 Rounds:
– 3 Yoga Push-ups
– 5 each Bodyweight Lunges
– 10 Air Squats
For Time With A Partner
100 Wall Balls (20/14)
800 Meter Run carrying medball
60 Curtis P’s (95/65)
800 Meter Run carrying medball
*One person works at a time.
– Goal:
L3: (75/55)
L2: (65/35)
L1: (55/25) (800 Meter Run no medball)
TIME CAP = 35:00
Pick 1-2 from the list below
(5 breaths each position, long inhale, longer exhale)