Puppy Dog x 2min
Pigeon Right x 2min
Pigeon Left x 2min
Eagle Arms Right in Saddle x 1 min
Eagle Arms Left in Saddle x 1 min
Archer Arms Right in Saddle x 1 min
Archer Arms Left in Saddle x 1 min
Sphinx or Seal x 2min
10min to Work On Gymnastics Pull Movements and Drills
(Pull Ups, Kips, Toes to Bar, Muscle Ups bar and Ring…)
6min EMOM
Odd:Burpees x 7 reps
Even: Ring Pulls x 1min
Rest 2min
6min EMOM
Odd:Wall Balls x 7 reps
Even: Dumbbell Shoulder to OverHead x 1 min
Rest 2min
4min EMOM
Dumbbell Thruster x 3 reps
Burpee x 3 reps
V-Ups x 3 reps
Fitness/ Performance:
Puppy Dog x 2min
Pigeon Right x 2min
Pigeon Left x 2min
Eagle Arms Right in Saddle x 1 min
Eagle Arms Left in Saddle x 1 min
Archer Arms Right in Saddle x 1 min
Archer Arms Left in Saddle x 1 min
Sphinx or Seal x 2min
10min to Work On Gymnastics Pull Movements and Drills
(Pull Ups, Kips, Toes to Bar, Muscle Ups bar and Ring…)
6min EMOM
Odd:Burpees x 10 reps
Even: Pull Ups x 1min
Rest 2min
6min EMOM
Odd:Wall Balls x 10 reps 20/14
Even: Dumbbell Shoulder to OverHead x 1 min 35/20
Rest 2min
4min EMOM
Dumbbell Thruster x 4 reps 35/20
Burpee x 4 reps
Toes to Bar x 4 reps