Thursday 10.12.17

Advanced Rehab Warm Up

16min EMOM
Thruster x 7 reps
Overhead Squat x 7 reps

Foam Roll
-Right Quad x 2min
-Left Quad x 2min
-Right Lat x 2min
-Left Lat x 2min
Saddle x 3min

Advanced Rehab Warm Up

16min EMOM
Thruster x 10 reps 45/35
Overhead Squat x 10 reps 45/35

Foam Roll
-Right Quad x 2min
-Left Quad x 2min
-Right Lat x 2min
-Left Lat x 2min
Saddle x 3min

Try out one day of Extra Sessions anytime this week to see which program is right for you.

CrossFit Accessory Movements
Day 1
3 Sets
Tall Kneeling Bottom Up Kettlebell Press x 10 reps
Rest 2min
*Kneeling should be upright with hips at full extension, Kettlebells should be end over head, focus is shoulder stability and pressing control so only increase weight if able to do all 10 reps flawlessly.

10min EMOM
Double Kettlebell Hang Clean x 7 reps; do not exceed 44lb KB’s
*These are to be light so stick to a weight that you can manage with confidence, work on receiving the KB with your body in a controlled manner, not letting them slam into you.

3 Sets
Stir the Pot Plank x 20 per direction
Rest 90 sec
*Use a light Med ball and place elbows on it in plank position; make a circular motion with your elbows on the ball while keeping the rest of your body ridged and tight.


Day 1
3 Sets
Top of Ring Pull Hold Arm extensions x 10 per Arm
Rest 90 sec
*Adjust feet to make harder or easier, hold top of ring pull and extend one arm all the way out to the side, while the other one keeps ring in by chest, then return arm back, alternate sides each rep.

3 Sets
Russian Push Ups x 10 reps
Rest 2 min
*Start in Plank position, lower to elbows without moving hands then shift body weight forward to push up position without letting your torso touch the ground, push up out of push up position back to plank.  Scale reps if need be or scale by lowering to elbows and pushing forward and not doing the push up.

3 Sets
Lying Leg Lifts x 7 reps with 3 sec negative on each rep
Rest 90 sec
*Make sure you are lifting your torso and legs up as high as possible on each rep. For the negative keep your body rigid and do not bend at the hips on the way down.


Olympic Lifting
Day 1
3 Sets
3 Position Pausing Clean Deadlift x 5 reps; 40% of Clean
Rest 2min
*Make sure you set up on the bar like a clean and not a deadlift, stop at each position for 5 sec (below knee, just above knee, mid thigh), reps are NOT to be touch and go

3 Sets
Close grip Overhead Squat x 8 reps
Rest 2min
*Grip on Barbell should be at shoulder distance, elevate heels with plates to improve position, use PVC, training Bar, or empty Barbell, only add weight if you can do with feet flat on the ground and arms straight

3 Sets
Split Stance Shoulder press x 5 reps ; Build in weight
Rest 2min
*make sure you are in your proper split Jerk stance, weight should be light, there should be no movement in the legs during the press.