Equipment required: Foam roller, light/medium band, light KB
1) Foam Roll Pecs 60s each
2) Biphasic Pec Stretch 60s each
3) 3 Rounds of:
– 3-5 Band resisted Push-ups
– 5 each Single Arm Row
– 5 each Tall Kneeling KB Halo
4) Air Bike sprint 10-15s for max watts
5) Floor Press w. an empty barbell
1 x 5 w 1s pause halfway down, 1s pause at floor.
Floor Press
Build to a heavy 2 in 7 sets.
– sets should look like 3-3-2-2-2-2..
– Next week we’ll test this for a 1RM
– L1: 4 x 5, 2 warm-up sets
For Time:
Buy in:
200 total Meter Single Arm OH Carry (53/35) (100 Meters each side)
3 Rounds of:
25 Push-ups
10 Strict Chin-ups
200 total Meter Single Arm Farmer Carry
– Goal: Challenging effort, break sets before you have to today. Keep chin-ups as strict as possible.
Rx+: (30 Hand Release Push-ups) (20 Strict Pull-ups)
L2: (44/26) (Pull-up Negatives)
L1: (35/20) (Box Push-ups) (Ring Assisted Pull-ups)
TIME CAP = 13:00.
3 x 12-15. Rest 60s.