Thursday 12.22.16

Single Leg Saddle Right x 2min
Single Leg Saddle Left x 2min
Cross Shin with Archer Arm Right x 1min
Cross Shin with Archer Arm Left x 1min
Cross Shin Eagle Right x 1min
Cross Shin Eagle Left x 1min
Seal x 1min
Sumo Squat x 2min

Team of 3-4
25min AMRAP
Kettlebell Swing x 150 reps
Shoulder to Overhead x 100 reps
Jumping Pull Ups (5 reps counts as 1 rope climb rep) x 50 reps
*Kettlebell and Barbell can never touch the ground, penalty is 15 burpees for each team member.*(Burpee rep DON’T count towards total score)

Single Leg Saddle Right x 2min
Single Leg Saddle Left x 2min
Cross Shin with Archer Arm Right x 1min
Cross Shin with Archer Arm Left x 1min
Cross Shin Eagle Right x 1min
Cross Shin Eagle Left x 1min
Seal x 1min
Sumo Squat x 2min

Team of 3-4
25min AMRAP
Kettlebell Swing x 150 reps 35lbs
Shoulder to Overhead x 100 reps 45lbs
Rope Climb x 10 15ft/12ft
*Kettlebell and Barbell can never touch the ground, penalty is 15 burpees for each team member.*(Burpee rep DON’T count towards total score)