Thursday 12.30.21


Equipment required: Foam roller, light/medium band, KB

1) Foam Roll Glutes & Hamstrings x 60s each

2) AMRAP 6:

– 2 each Shin Box + Forward Fold

– 5 each Banded Bird Dogs

– 5 each Goblet Reverse Lunges

– 10 KB RDLs

3) Air Bike 10-15s sprint for max watts

4) Front Box Squat w. an empty barbell

1 x 5 w. 3s down 1s pause on the box focusing on perfect technique


Front Box Squat

8RM in 4 sets. 


– Exceed last week’s 8RM by 5 lbs.



1/4 x 10-12. 


– 1 Warm-up set, working weight should be a bit heavier than the Front Box Squat weight you just finished with.


‘Bear Grylls’

Against a 7:00 Clock

400 Meter Run

Remaining time: Max Bear Complex (135, 95)

*Score = total reps.

– Goal: Tough effort on the run, pain cave effort on the Bear Complex. 15-25 reps

L3: (115, 75)

L2: (95, 65)

L1: (200 Meter Run) (25, 15 DB Manmakers)

– Alternative to Run:

500 Meter Row