Seated Straddle x 4min
Saddle x 4min
Right Supine Twist x 2min
Left Supine Twist x 2min
Right Twisted Cross x 1min
Left Twisted Cross x 1min
Teams of 3-4 people
For Time:
Power Clean and Jerk x 100 reps
*1 Person working at a time
**Team mates who are not working have to hold one of the the three static positions (Wall Sit at Parallel, Hang from Pull Up Bar, or Plank). Each teammate that is not working has to do a different hold, you cant have 2 or 3 people hold the same movement. Work can only be done on the clean and Jerk if all other teammates are in the static hold.
Seated Straddle x 4min
Saddle x 4min
Right Supine Twist x 2min
Left Supine Twist x 2min
Right Twisted Cross x 1min
Left Twisted Cross x 1min
Teams of 3-4 people
For Time:
Power Clean and Jerk x 100 reps 135/95
*1 Person working at a time
**Team mates who are not working have to hold one of the the three static positions (Wall Sit at Parallel, Hang from Pull Up Bar, or Handstand). Each teammate that is not working has to do a different hold, you cant have 2 or 3 people hold the same movement. Work can only be done on the clean and Jerk if all other teammates are in the static hold.