Thursday 12.9.21


Equipment Required: Foam roller, light KB, medium band

1) Foam Roll Glutes & Hamstrings x 60s each

2) 5 each Shin Box + Forward Fold

3) AMRAP 5:

– 3 each KB Windmills

– 5 each Banded Bird Dogs

– 7 Banded Overhead Squats

4) Snatch Barbell Warm-up


Squat Snatch


2 reps each set

– Keep weight light (empty barbell, light weights)

– L2: Snatch Deadlift sets of 2

– L1: Goblet Squat 


Back Squat

3 x 5. Rest 2:00

– build to a moderate heavy 5 in 3 sets.


4 Rounds of

5 Up-downs

15s Bike Sprint – max effort.

Rest 90s.

– Goal: HARD effort, sell your soul to the Bike.

L1: AMRAP 8:

5 Up downs

5 each DB Box Step-ups (25/10)