Thursday 2.10.22


Equipment required: Foam roller, light band, barbell

1) Oscillatory Foam Roll Lats x 60s each

2) 10 each Thoracic Rotations

3) 3-Way Banded Shoulder/Lat Stretch x 30s each position

4) 3 Rounds:

– 6 Barbell Rows

– 6 Push Press

– 10 Scap Pull-ups

– 10 Kip Swings

5) Review Pull-up scaling options


Decline DB Bench Press

4 x 8-10. Rest 90s.

– 1-2 Warm-up sets

– Use two #45lb plates to elevate the bench


Gorilla Row

4 x 8-10 each. Rest 60s.

– 1-2 Warm-up sets


Row-ver Your Head

For time:


Push Press (135/95)


C2B Pull-ups

*300/200 Meter Row after each set

– Goal: Hard effort. You should be able to complete AT LEAST sets of 7 in a row with Push Press otherwise the weight is too heavy.

TIME CAP = 17:00

Rx+: (155/105) (9-6-3 Ring Muscle-ups)

L3: (115/75) (Regular Pull-ups)

L2: (95/65) (Band Assisted Puill-ups)

L1: (DBs 30/20) (Ring Assisted Pull-ups) (150 Meter Row)


Banded Y-T-A-T

3 x 8. Rest 60s