Thursday 3.31.22


Equipment required: Foam roller, medium/light band

1) Foam Roll Glutes & Hamstrings x 60s each

2) 5 each Single Leg Upward Dog to Standing

3) AMRAP 6:

– 1 each Side/Side Deep Lunge + Twist

– 5 each Banded Bird Dogs

– 5 Band Overhead Goodmornings

– 10 ft Elephant Walk

4) Air Bike 10-15s sprint for max watts

5) Wide Stance Box Squat w. an empty barbell

1 x 5 w. 3s down on the way up focusing on perfect technique


Wide Stance Box Squat

3/6 x 3 3s down @65% 


– 3 warm-up sets, 6 working sets

– Stay strict on the tempo, count for your partner and keep them honest.


Wall Supported Single Leg RDL

4 x 6 each. Rest 90s

– 1-2 Warm-up sets


‘All Glutes No Glory’

For time:

50 total KB Goblet Lateral Box Step-overs total (70/53) (20″)

EMOM: 10 Russian Swings

*This workout starts with Swings

– Goal: Hard effort, sub 6.

L3: (62/44)

L2: (53/35)

L1: (26/20) (Unweighted Step-ups)

TIME CAP = 8:00


‘Reverse Plank’

4 x 20s on 10s off.