Thursday 8.3.17

Teams of 2-3
For Time:
Burpee Box Jump x 30 reps
Run x 200 meters (1 person)
Kettlebell Swings x 40 reps
Run x 200 meters (1 person)
Thruster x 50 reps
Run x 200 meters (1 person)
Assault Bike x 60 Cal
Run x 200 meters (1 person)
*All other work besides the runs, split up reps amongst your team. 1 person working at a time

Saddle x 3min
Seated Straddle x 3min
Twisted Cross R x 2min
Twisted Cross L x 2min
Seal x 2min
Standing Straddle x 3min

Teams of 2-3
For Time:
Burpee Box Jump x 30 reps 24/20
Run x 200 meters (1 person)
Kettlebell Swings x 40 reps 70/55
Run x 200 meters (1 person)
Thruster x 50 reps 75/55
Run x 200 meters (1 person)
Assault Bike x 60 Cal
Run x 200 meters (1 person)
*All other work besides the runs, split up reps amongst your team. 1 person working at a time

Saddle x 3min
Seated Straddle x 3min
Twisted Cross R x 2min
Twisted Cross L x 2min
Seal x 2min
Standing Straddle x 3min