9min Emom
1.bear crawl x 45 sec
2.crab walk x 45 sec walk x 45 sec
Teams of 3-4
15 min
Thruster x 9 reps
Bike x max cal
*This is a waterfall style workout where the first person starts with thrusters as the other 2 wait. Then that first person goes to the bike to perform max cal as the second person performs their 9 thrusters . The person on the bike is done when the person behind them is done with thrusters and the cycle continues.
Core finisher
3 sets not for time:
Candlestick Roll to sit up x 10 reps
Side hollow body lifts x 10 per side
Standing Straddle x 2 min
Saddle x 2 min
Puppy dog x 2 min
Seal x 2 min
Teams of 3-4
15 min
Thruster x 9 reps 95/65
Bike x max cal
*This is a waterfall style workout where the first person starts with thrusters as the other 2 wait. Then that first person goes to the bike to perform max cal as the second person performs their 9 thrusters . The person on the bike is done when the person behind them is done with thrusters and the cycle continues.
Core finisher
3 sets not for time:
Candlestick Roll to sit up x 10 reps
Side hollow body lifts x 10 per side
Standing Straddle x 2 min
Saddle x 2 min
Puppy dog x 2 min
Seal x 2 min