• Please try to attend all four Benchmark days on Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday. If you miss a day, you can make it up on Thursday or Saturday. But please let the coach know before class.
• We want to celebrate your accomplishments in class! If you hit a personal record, ring the bell to let everyone know. Also, let a coach know before the lift so he or she can record your personal record. Finally, be sure to post your personal record on the PR window by the boxes.
Teams of 3
For Time:
Kettelbell Swing x 100 reps 55/35
Row x 100 cal
Wall Ball x 100 reps 20/14
Bike x 100 cal
Overhead squat x 100 reps 95/65
Seated Straddle x 3min
Saddle x 3min
Puppy Dog x 2min
Teams of 3
For Time:
Kettelbell Swing x 100 reps 55/35
Row x 100 cal
Wall Ball x 100 reps 20/14
Bike x 100 cal
Overhead squat x 100 reps 95/65
Seated Straddle x 3min
Saddle x 3min
Puppy Dog x 2min