Equipment required: Foam roller, medium/light band
1) Foam Roll Glutes & Hamstrings x 60s each
2) 10 Sciatic Nerve Floss each
3) AMRAP 6:
– 1 each Side/Side Deep Lunge + Twist
– 5 each Deadbugs
– 5 each Lateral Lunge
– 10 ft Elephant Walk
4) Sumo Deadlift w. an empty barbell
1 x 5 w. 3s down 1s pause at the knee on the way up focusing on perfect technique
2/8 x 2
– 50% of 1RM
– These are SPEED reps, reset on 2nd rep
– 2 Warm-up sets, 8 working sets
RFE Rotational RDL + Split Squat
1/4 x 5 each
– 1 warm-up set, 4 working sets
– Improve from last week
– Go slow and work on balance
‘Pet Rock’
5 Rounds for time:
25 Meter Right Single Arm Farmer Carry (70/53)
25 Meter Left Single Arm Farmer Carry
10 Goblet Squats
– Goal: Hard effort without putting down the KB. Every time you put down the KB complete a 10 total Jumping Lunge penalty.
Rx+: (88/62)
L3: (62/44)
L2: (53/35)
L1: (26/20)
Overhead Half Kneeling KB Extension
3 x 10 each. Rest 60s
– Shoulder health & hip mobility