Equipment required: Foam roller, light/medium band, light KB
1) 1 Round:
– 60s each Foam Roll Glutes & Hamstrings
– 2 each Spiderman Lunge
2) 2 Rounds:
– 1 each Bird Dog Hold 10s
– 1 each Star Plank 10s
– 1 Curl Up 10s
3) AMRAP 5:
– 2 each Shin Box + Hip Lift
– 5 each Goblet Reverse Lunges
– 5 KBS
4) Air Bike 10-15s sprint for max watts
8 x 3 every 60s
– Increase slightly from last week
– Start with feet off the ground, keep foot contact with the ground as fast as possible before jumping
L1: Box Jump to plates
Every 4:00 x 4 sets
6 Back Squats (225/155)
12 KBS (70/53)
12/9 Cal Bike
– Goal: Hard effort, minimum 90s rest each round
Rx+: (275/185) (88/62)
L3: (185/125) (62/44)
L2: (155/105) (53/35)
L1: (95/65) (44/26) (6/4 Cal Bike)
3 x 15-20. Rest 60s