Thursday, May 17, 2012.

Team WOD- (Teams of 2) Only one athlete working at a time.  Once you start the round, you have to finish it.
AMRAP in 15 min:
– 15 Pull ups
– 30 Wall Ball Shots
NEA Competitors: use C2B pull ups, 25# Slam Ball. Ladies use 15# WB
NEA Big Dawg: Chin over Bar Pull ups, 20#/15# WB
NEA Pack: Bands if needed or Ring Pulls/ 15#/10# w/9ft. target WB
NEA Preggers: Ring Pulls at 45 degree or more angle. Use no more than 10# Ball at 9ft. target.

Core: 50 Russian Twists w/ MB (Go heavy as possible) use slam ball if needed.












Teammates, Elizabeth and Monica celebrating the hardwork completed together!  And check out Bob in the background showing some well improved front squat technique!  Keep it up Bob!