Tuesday 11.3.20

2 Sets
Row x 30 sec
Single arm Kettlebell Overhead Carry x 50 Ft per arm
Barbell Hang Muscle Snatch x 7 reps

12 Sets
Snatch Deadlift x 1 reps
Hang below knee Power Snatch x 1 rep
Evey 45 sec
*Must add weight every set*

3 Sets
Close Grip Bench Press x 5,4,3 reps no tempo
Rest 30 sec
Single arm Dumbbell Chainsaw Row x 5-6 per arm
On the 3 min mark

For time
2 Sets
Row x 8/7 cal
Pike Push Ups x 3 reps
Burpee Hanging Knee Raises x 5 reps
Dual Kettlebell Gorilla Row x 7 reps
Row x 8/7 cal
2 sets
Row x 8/7 cal
V up x 9 reps
Incline Push up x 9 reps
Sit up x 9 reps
Row x 8/7 cal
Rest 90 sec between sets

12 Sets
Snatch Pull x 1 reps
Hang below knee Power Snatch x 1 rep
Evey 45 sec
*Must add weight every set*

3 Sets
Close Grip Bench Press x 5,4,3 reps no tempo
Rest 30 sec
Single arm Dumbbell Chainsaw Row x 5-6 per arm
On the 3 min mark

For time
2 Sets
Row x 8/7 cal
Strict Handstand Push Ups x 3 reps
Burpee Toes to Bar x 5 reps
Dual Kettlebell Gorilla Row x 7 reps 55/35
Row x 8/7 cal
2 sets
Row x 8/7 cal
V up x 9 reps
Push up x 9 reps
Sit up x 9 reps
Row x 8/7 cal
Rest 90 sec between sets