Equipment Required: foam roller, light/medium band, empty barbell
1) Foam Roll Hamstrings x 60s each
2) 4 each Single Leg Upward Dog to Standing
3) 3 Rounds:
– 2 Russian Baby Makers
– 4 Up Downs
– 6 each Walking Lunges
– 8 Banded Good Mornings
4) Back Squat w. an empty barbell
1 x 5 w. 3s down focusing on perfect technique
Back Squat
– 6 x 4 @50%
– OT1M
– 1s hold in bottom @50%
– These are SPEED reps. controlled descent, 1s hold, explosive up.
Ultra Wide Sumo Deadlift
4 x 3 @60%,
– Reset on each rep.
– Beginner: Focus on Technique
– Make sure your athletes are gripping the bar correctly (hand touching the knurling).
Every 4:00 x 3 sets
15/12 Calorie Bike
15 Deadlifts (225, 155)
– Goal: HARD effort, minimum 90s of rest each round.
*Score = fastest split
Rx+:(255, 165)
L3: (185, 125)
L2: (155, 105)
L1: (30s Max Effort Bike) (DB RDL 40/25)
3 x 30s on 30s off.