If you haven’t been to the Sunday throwdown during the Open, here’s what you’re missing. We’re doing it again this Sunday from 1-3 p.m.
A. Heavy KBS; 6-10 OTM 10min
Rest 3min
B. Dumb Bell Snatch; 3-5 each arm OTM 10min
4 Rounds For total Reps:
30sec Max Burpees
30sec Rest
30sec Max Single Unders
30sec Rest
30sec Max Cal Row
30sec Rest
A. Power Snatch; Build to a heavy 1 in 10min
Rest 3min
B. Power Snatch; take 70% of ‘A’ and perform 1 OTM 10min
4 Rounds For total Reps:
30sec Max Burpees
30sec Rest
30sec Max DU
30sec Rest
30sec Max Cal Row
30sec Rest
A. Power Snatch; Build to a heavy 1in 10min
Rest 3min
B. Squat Snatch; take 95% of ‘A’ and perform 1 OTM 10min
Row sprint 15 seconds @95%
rest 2 min
Competitor Session 2:
A. Dead Lift; 20 singles ; 1 OTM; 85-95%