Tuesday 6.1.21


Equipment required: foam roller

1) Foam Roll – where you’re sore 4:00

2) Spiderman Lunge 4 each

3) 3 Rounds of:

– 4 Russian Baby Makers

– 4 Plank Waves each

– 4 Upward to Downward Facing Dog w Toe Touch


Partner AMRAP 20

Partner 1:

300 Meter Row

Partner 2:

15 Plate Ground to OH

30ft Plate OH Walking Lunges

– Goal: Easy pace, move, breathe, and get the soreness out from Murph. Pick a partner to share equipment with and alternate between the row and the Plate movements *Your choice of weight today.


Band Work

50 Pass Thru

50 Pull-aparts

50 Pulldowns